Thursday, October 22, 2009

Seller Beware!

I was at the back of the queue when they were handing out mobile telephones. In fact, I wasn’t even in the queue... My first one was thrust upon me by a rather insistent Czech lady Martina who told me I had to have it to do my job as a project manager. After a little training and a lot of anxiety I learned how to make and receive calls. Then I worked out how to send text messages. Ten years later I have progressed little.

My problem was I didn’t want the mobile phone. I couldn’t see the benefits. I thought it was going to cost me money and a lot of anxiety, especially if I lost it. In this case I had to take it but often in hard sell situations my resistance is total and formidable. No insurance, car or real estate salesperson is going to force me to buy something that I don’t want and many of you surely are the same.

Because when I am looking to spend my hard earned (relatively) dollars I want to be treated with courtesy, honesty and respect. In fact I like to buy from people who I like and trust too. It matters not if it’s a personal or professional purchase.

There is a global social revolution taking place all around us which is impacting how we will buy products and services in the future. It’s chaos at the moment and many people don’t understand how it works and its implications. This time I’m at the forefront of change and loving it.

It’s time for buyer power – bring on the social media marketing revolution!

Continued soon....


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